Automate Your Way to Success in Your Young Living Business

Envision this: you’re standing at the sink, filling a pot with water to make dinner for your kids. Suddenly, your watch vibrates and dings with a notification. You glance down and see an email congratulating you on another new customer. In that moment, you realize it’s working—the automations are working. Here you are, spending quality time with your family, and simultaneously growing your business. This is the power of automation.


In today’s post we’ll dive into how you, as a Young Living Brand Partner, can harness the power of automation to scale your network marketing business. By focusing on three key areas, you can save time, increase sales, and enjoy more freedom.

Automate Your Lead Generation

The first crucial area to focus your automation efforts is lead generation. Building your email list is the lifeblood of your business. Automating this process ensures you’re consistently growing your audience, even when you’re busy with other tasks.

Tools and Strategies:
Email Marketing Software: Utilize tools like ManyChat to send automated messages on social media. For example, when someone requests a free guide, they comment with a keyword, and ManyChat handles the rest by sending the link to your freebie and collecting their email.
Landing Pages and Opt-in Forms: Set up landing pages where potential leads can enter their email in exchange for valuable content. This process can be fully automated, adding new contacts to your email list seamlessly.

By automating lead generation, you ensure a steady flow of potential buyers into your sales funnel, allowing you to focus on nurturing these leads and turning them into loyal customers.

Streamline Your Sales Process

Once you have leads, the next step is to automate your sales process. This ensures that your potential customers receive the right information at the right time, guiding them smoothly towards making a purchase.

Key Automation Elements:
Automated Email Sequences: Create a series of emails that educate your leads about your products, share testimonials, and offer incentives. These emails should be designed to build trust and highlight the value of your products.
Automated Messaging: Use social media automation to send follow-up messages or reminders about offers and promotions.

By automating your sales process, you can make sales while cooking dinner, enjoying time with family, or even sleeping. This continuous, seamless process maximizes your sales potential without requiring constant manual effort.

Enhance Your Onboarding Process

The third area often overlooked in automation is the onboarding process. A smooth onboarding experience sets the tone for your customer's journey and can significantly impact their satisfaction and retention.

Effective Onboarding Strategies:
Automated Welcome Emails: As soon as someone makes a purchase, they should receive a welcome email detailing the next steps. This can include links to resources, tutorials, and contact information.
Step-by-Step Guides: Provide automated guides that walk new customers through using your products or accessing your services. This can be in the form of emails, videos, or PDFs.
Automated Reminders and Follow-Ups: Ensure your new customers don’t miss important milestones or check-ins by setting up automated reminders.

A well-automated onboarding process ensures that your customers feel supported and informed from the moment they make a purchase, leading to higher satisfaction and repeat business.

Bringing It All Together

Automation is not just about saving time—it’s about creating a system that consistently works for you, allowing you to focus on what you love. By automating lead generation, your sales process, and your onboarding, you can build a robust, scalable network marketing business with Young Living.

Did you know that Krissy also wrote a whole book about the benefits of automation? Check it out here!

To dive deeper into these strategies and learn how to implement them effectively, check out our masterclass, “How to Automate Your Online Business and Increase Sales While You Sleep.” This masterclass will provide you with detailed insights and actionable steps to transform your business.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your Young Living business to the next level. Click the link above to access the masterclass and start automating your success today!



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